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Ajay Yadav
Professional Skills
There Are No Secrets To Success. It Is The Result Of Preparation, Hard Work, And Learning From Failure. – Colin Powell
In recent years, the power of advanced analytics and artificial intelligence has been providing a transformative edge to those who understand the importance of data. So, ideally, those who have data should be the leading players in the market with respect to their domains but except for a few brands, this is not the case. Why? As per a study, organizations have data that can be leveraged to make better decisions but more than 70% of these don’t know how to do it, where to start it?
This was the objective behind setting up Amlgo Labs so as to address these gaps and build an organization that gives an honest opinion and advanced data solutions across different domains, that not just show the rosy picture but provide the truth with clearly defined outcomes. Since the inception of Amlgo Labs, we have been working hard with many global clients across the industry. We made our clients realize that cloud engineering, data engineering, predictive analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning, descriptive analysis, and data visualization, all are interrelated and the real power of data can be sensed only when these all are utilized in a correct ratio. Amlgo Labs has been intelligently and honestly bringing the power of data to decision makers and we judge our success not by how much data we process but how well we turn this into key decisions.
Amlgo Labs appreciated the value of regulatory, risk and compliance reporting for financial institutes early in its existence, as we work closely with major regulatory solution providers as well as global banks and bridging this gap of talent and regulatory deadlines. Our vision of bringing data science and regulatory reporting to the next level makes us feel all the time that this is an infinite game and we are here to stay to give something good to the industry, to the people and to the community.
So, if you are a professional or an enterprise or a consumer or a supplier of data solutions, data analytics and artificial intelligence and reporting, I welcome you to join hands in the quest of excellence in data analytics, together we can!
Ajay Yadav
Founder – Amlgo Labs